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Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0

Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0. This guide will discuss useful software that can give you full information about your phone’s board. The phone board is the tool’s name, and PhoneBoard GSM has developed the tool. This tool will only run on Windows XP/Vista/Windows 8/8.1/10, and phone board V1.9.0 runs on 32-bit or 64-bit-based systems. The latest version of Phoneboard is available in the Download section.

Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0 Latest Version Download

Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0 Latest Version Download

Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0

Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0 is the latest version of the phone diagnostic software, available for download now. This powerful tool allows users to analyze and troubleshoot any mobile phone. It has useful features like schematic diagrams, board views, and BGA and Chip decoding tools.


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With Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0, you can quickly and easily diagnose and fix issues on various devices, making it an essential tool for any mobile phone technician or enthusiast.

Repairing damaged iPhones and other smartphones

 When dealing with a damaged iPhone or any other smartphone, there are plenty of options for fixing the device. Repairing damaged iPhones and other smartphones can range from simple screen replacements to more complex repairs involving components like the battery or motherboard. Repairs can sometimes be done at home using DIY kits, but for more serious issues, it’s often best to take the device to a professional repair service. Regardless of the issue, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage and ensure the device is safe. 

phoneboard schematic download

phoneboard schematic download

Feature Of Phoneboard v1.9.0 :

  1. iPhone 6 820 3486-A
  2. C1271 was misspelled as R1271_RF. Reuben Vuolasranta notified.
  3. R5217 is the correct spelling of C5217_RF. Ruuben vuolasranta reports.
  4. C5212_RF was misspelled as R5212. Ruuben vuolasranta reports.
  5. C5208_RF was misspelled as R5208_RF. Reuben Vuolasranta notified.
  6. C5123_RF was misspelled as L5123_RF. Reuben Vuolasranta notified.
  7. C5211_RF was misspelled as L5211_RF. Reuben Vuolasranta notified.
  8. R5131_RF was misspelled as R51316_RF. Reuben Vuolasranta notified.
  9. The U521_RF was misspelled as the U5301_RF
  10. J1703 should be used instead of U1703.
  11. R5317_RF was misspelled as R5217_RF. Reported by: @vladwpf
  12. R5218_RF was misspelled as R5319_RF. Reported by: @vladwpf
  13. R5318_RF was misspelled as R5218_RF. Reported by: @vladwpf
  14. R5316_RF was misspelled as R5216_RF. Reported by: @vladwpf
  15. R2405 has been misspelled as R2403. Reported @vladwpf.
  16. iPhone 6 Plus 820-3675-A
  17. C0721-1 was formerly C0721-2.
  18. C5411_RF-1 This is the wrong shape.
  19. C5411_RF-2 This is the wrong shape.
  20. U5411_RF Sizes of balls are not uniform.
  21. Net BATTERY_SWI was misspelled as BAATTERY_SWI. Reported @berrytechnics
  22. AAP_TO_TIGRIS_SWI should be used instead of Net AP_TO_TIGRIS_SWI. Reported @berrytechnics
  23. C2201 is the correct spelling for IC C2201.
  24. iPhone 6S Plus 820-00040-A
  25. UTRIP_RF Pins 3,4,8,9 shapes must be square and not rounded.
  26. U_VOX_RF pins 1, 4, 8, 13, 16-22, 26, and shapes must be square.
  27. F5202_RF spelled incorrectly as FL5202_RF
  28. F5202_RF The shapes of pins 4, 5, and 6 are not square but rounded.
  29. iPhone 7 820-0188-08 Qualcomm
  30. SE2LD0_RF has been misspelled as SE2LDDO_RF
  31. Add
  32. macOS Add Menu.
  33. Add IC Mark for iPhone 6 (820-3486)
  34. Add IC Mark for iPhone 6 Plus, 820-3675A
  35. Add IC Mark for iPhone 6S, 820-5507 A
  36. Add IC Marks to iPhone 6S Plus.
  37. Add IC Mark for iPhone 7 820 00188 08

How To Use Phoneboard V1.9.0?

  • We Provide a Direct Official Download Link Of Phoneboard v1.9.0 Post-Below.
  • First, Download the Zip Archive From Mega File Server.
  • Use Winrar or another zip extractor to extract the file.
  • Unzip Phoneboard Installer and then Install it in your Pc
  • Open Phoneboard Version 1.9.0 Now by Clicking the Desktop Phoneboard Program icon.
  • Enjoy Full Working Phoneboard v1.9.0.

Phoneboard Start Repairing Phones

How To Download And Install Phoneboard Tool

 To download and install Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0, visit the official website and click the “Download Link.” Once the download is complete, extract the file using an unzipping tool. Next, run the setup file and follow the installation wizard. After the installation is complete, launch the application and start using it. Phoneboard Tool v1.9.0 can help you diagnose and fix issues with mobile devices.
Download Link:: Link

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